Thursday, April 26, 2012

WE.HAVE.POOP! Happy Toddler!

So, as you are aware... Maddy has had some HORRIBLE poop issues.  I promised NOT to blog for a while about the poop (or the fact she wouldn't go). But, after going to the doctor, she was put on some prescription strength Miralax.  GOD BLESS THE MIRALAX.  She is finally going on a normal basis. We did have an ultrasound done to see if anything was "wrong" and I should get the results later today or tomorrow. 

Anyway, we are so trying to get her to use the potty to go #2.  I have tried bribing her with ice cream (no go) and with party dresses.  Now it is school. Yes, she wants to go to school and wear fancy dresses.  So, we told her we would check out a school (preschool program, Maddy will be 3 in July and we should put her in 2 years of preschool so she is good to go for kindergarten, since she will be a young kindergarten starter).  WE told her as soon as she could poopy and peepee all the time on the potty and wear big girl underwear, she could go to school.

Well, she then went to her biological father's for a week. UGH.  Not that he is a bad man, but he is just, er... a big kid himself.  So, she went back to pottying in her pull up. BUT, as soon as she saw me, man we were back to a dry pullup... WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?

And then..... it happened... she said, momma... I think I haveta poop.  And then the slow motion music started playing in my head... "The Chariots of Fire" theme... I push everyone out of my way so she can get to the potty.  We get here... and well... she did it. She finally pooped on the potty.

She got to wear a fancy party dress to daycare the next day... today we went to check out the preschool.  According to Phillip (the preschool is at the same school he teaches at) she was a hit with everyone she met.  She obeyed the rules, listened to her teachers..... and she didn't want to leave. I hope this is enough motivation to keep her using the potty. 

So, mission poop is COMPLETED!  Thank goodness... I mean, I hope it is completed. What if I just jinxed myself? Nah...

Here is Miss Thang in her school clothes... all ready to go!

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