Sunday, November 24, 2013

The True Meaning of Thanksgiving...

So, the past week has been a challenging one, you know... ups and downs... like a roller coaster. BLAH BLAH BLAH... Work has been crazy, I have hurt my neck so I am sore, and I have no money. Can I get a HOLLAH and an AMEN? Like, how many of you KNOW what kind of week I am talkin' about?

Through out all of my stresses, there is one thing that remains constant my love for my kids... And man, my 10 year old son has a heart of compassion.  His love for others AMAZES me.

Last Sunday tornadoes reeked havoc throughout the Midwest- over 70 tornadoes in total touched down.  We were watching the news when my 10 year old son said, "Mom... we need to do something to help them."

And you know me, I am a bit too sarcastic for my own good from time to time-- So I actually responded... "we don't HAVE anything." 

He looks around and said... "But we have a home."

Yes my friends, that was the slap in the face I needed.  My son is right...  He is TOTALLY right, we have a home.  He is off school, and I have 18 vacation days to burn up until December. So WHY not do something??? I remember when my sister organized a trip to help tornado victims in Oklahoma. I remember her words, and the pictures... I felt a tug on my heart strings... we HAVE TO do something to help. 

So that is how it started... my week.  It started with an event on FaceBook inviting others to help us gather items to take with us to Washington, IL.  On Monday morning when we started it... we had NO destination planned. I honestly was going to drive my Kia Soul and make a delivery of a few bags of things.  BUT as it has turned out... we are now renting a PENSKE truck (donated by one of the most giving friends I have, and she does it not to get recognition, but to show her love for people)... My son said, "Wow, that is such a blessing." When he found out about the truck.  And I say, "Honey... this is all because of you..."

We have had so many people donate things --- my brain just cannot comprehend the love the community has for another community in a time of need.

Within an HOUR I found a location to drop off the items to and met a WONDERFUL woman over the phone who runs a non-profit organization... someone who can help us get the items to the people who need them! So we had a plan, we have a vehicle, and we have things to take....

My cup runnith over full of love, and joy... 

This my friends is what thanksgiving is all about.  Isn't it? I mean, it is sitting around a table and eating turkey until you fall asleep... AND watching football... but thanksgiving is about celebrating and uniting together.

The Marion Webster dictionary defines thanksgiving the best...


The act of giving thanks...

A prayer expressing gratitude...

A public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness...

So, I publically acknowledge the divine goodness of my friends and family and the friends and family of my friends and family... A prayer of gratitude to you for your sacrifice so that others can have.

So this week started off a bit in a turmoil... but just think of the awesomeness that surrounds us every day... Take a look:

What has happened in less than a week?  We have food, water, toys, gift cards, strollers, car seats, high chairs, dressers, washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, TVs.... but most importantly?

We take with us LOVE... 

From one community to another... I plan on collecting hugs... I want those who are going through this tragedy to know that they are not alone. 

And my friends, this will be the first trip to help... it won't be the last.

Please keep Denny, Kennith, Heather and I in your prayers for safe travel. AND that our love will touch someone and make them smile just once or laugh that day. 

In the Bible it says that we should have the faith of a child... have the joy of a child in all things.  I also think He wanted us to have the compassion of a child to do things that we would not normally do. 

This is one of the greatest life lessons I have learned... and I learned it from my son.  Take time to listen to your children.  Help them put their thoughts into action.  Help them be the change we want to see in this world. 

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