Thursday, April 12, 2012

And It Continues...

I am going to dub this week "cranky toddler week."

I honestly don't know if I can deal with this whole, "I am cranky because I won't poop thing." It is getting out of control.  I don't know if we can go through the biting, kicking, pinching, spitting, hitting.... for much longer. Time outs are KILLIN' me smalls... They are KILLIN' me.

Maddy went back to not going on Tuesday. SO, she hasn't gone #2 since Monday.  Long story short, we are going to the doctor today to see if there is ANYTHING else we can do.  This is so hard because she is potty trained and is so good at it, except for the poop.  And it continues. I thought we had made some huge headway...

To my sister who just found out she is pregnant, LOOK at all the wonderful joy you get to experience! LOL, actually... I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world.

So, besides Maddy and her dookie issues--- it has been a busy week with kids early to bed.  Serina, Alex, and Kennith have Iowa Tests of Basic Skills this week. I am very nervous about it. Not for Serina or Alex, but it is Kennith's first ITBS exam week and well... he has ADHD and I worry about him being able to focus.

Kennith also had his first flag football practice on Tuesday night, and he LOVED it! He was worn out but he had a great time! (With that said, Maddy played on the playground, well... she was trying NOT to go to the bathroom while he practiced.)

Happy Thursday, and wish us luck with the doctor! I don't know if I can handle this sad face for much longer. She needs to just goooooooo! LOL

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